I'm having major Disney blues lately (probably because it's been almost a YEAR since we were there) and I figured what better way to try and get through the blues than by reliving my trip? It was literally the BEST holiday ever, so, sit back and relax cause it's gonna be a long one!
Day 1
The wait was finally over and travel day was upon us!! We flew from Gatwick (I hate travelling all the way to Gatwick (cause 3 hours and M25) and always say I'm not going back but we always seem to go back) so we stayed over at the Premier Inn the night before. Love a good Premier Inn... we even bought one of their mattresses for at home! The flight was due to depart at around 11am so we took our time in the morning and had breakfast at the airport. We flew with TUI which meant we didn't fly into Orlando International but to Sanford. The flight was good (aside from landing when I felt super sick and almost threw up into the sick bag... well done, Claudia) and once we landed we had to wait what felt like an eternity at passport control, but once we were through we got on the coach and headed to our hotel...
Just sitting on the coach was soo exciting; we were finally in Orlando and heading to WALT DISNEY WORLD! The drive was around 45 minutes but we didn't mind, our hotel, Port Orleans French Quarter, was the first stop which meant we didn't have to waste time stopping off at all the other resorts first (although it would've been nice to see a few)! WE WERE AT THE HOTEL! AFTER 367 DAYS OF WAITING! EEEE!
We headed straight to check in and picked up our Magic Bands (mine pink, Daniel's blue) and they told us everything we needed to know. We got our room number and headed straight there. The resort was PERFECT, it was so pretty and quiet. We got to our room (a corner room) which was newly refurbished and we couldn't have asked for anything better. It was a dream come true!
After a quick freshen up we went straight to the food court (Sassagoula I think it's called?) and grabbed pizza and beignets with caramel sauce. YUMMM! I'm kinda sad cause when we were there they weren't Mickey shaped... guess we'll have to go back! We had a quick look around the resort before heading to back to the room where I basically passed out at around 8pm.
Day 2
We were up bright and early, around 6am, because of falling asleep so early and because I was so excited that I couldn't wait to start the day. Once we were ready we decided to have a stroll around the resort and it was beautiful; we walked along the river which was so tranquil. Then we were on the bus to the Magic Kingdom!

After breakfast we headed for the rides! First up was Small World (because we walked through the castle and it was one of the first rides we saw) and then Space Mountain! We grabbed a Mickey Mouse ice cream sandwich before riding Dumbo and the Seven Dwarfs Mine Train. I then found the millennial pink Magic Band so OBVS had to get it!
We headed back to Main Street and grabbed a free starbs (vanilla bean frappuccino yas) before watching the Festival of Fantasy. We were originally going to watch from near the castle but we had a Splash Mountain fastpass which we didn't want to miss so headed over there. I completely regret not staying near the castle because we didn't have a good view at all. After Splash Mountain we were soaked and tired so headed back.
We relaxed by the pool - I read Eleanor Oliphant - and then got the boat to Disney Springs. We were pretty exhausted from getting up early so we ate some pasta, had a look around, then went back to the resort to get a good night's sleep!
Day 3
Now, this was probably one of our worst day... I was super excited when we arrived at Hollywood Studios (the last time I'd been it was MGM and the Sorcerer's Hat was still there) and couldn't wait to be back... although I preferred it with the hat. We headed straight to Toy Story Mania because we couldn't get a fast pass so waited in the hour long stand by queue. It was our FAV ride and was so worth the long wait!
After that we hit a bit of a lull. We were starving but nowhere seemed to be open (?) so we went and met Mickey and Minnie because there was no queue and then waited for the ABC Commissary to open bc FOOD. I had chicken strips and chips which were really good but the decor was weird; it was so old fashioned and I couldn't decide if that was the style or if they just hadn't refurbed in 30 years!
We then went on Tower of Terror... WORST RIDE EVER, I don't know why people like it! We then treated ourselves to a snack from Hollywood Scoops and I had the yummiest ice cream sandwich ever. I still think about it! We then caught the Beauty and the Beast show and went on our final ride of the day... Rock N Rollercoaster. I don't really like big rides anymore because they make me feel sick and very uncomfortable about being stuck in and not being able to get out if I want to! But it still wasn't as bad as ToT!
Afterwards, we had an afternoon of drinking cocktails by the pool (that I knocked over) and then went to eat at Disney Springs where we had Blaze Pizza for the first time, yum yum yum!
Day 4
We decided to grab breakfast at the hotel before going to Blizzard Beach for the day. I had a giant Mickey Waffle which was basically breakfast goals! But I still don't get the waffle/meat combo.
It was the first time either of us had been to Blizzard Beach and I loved the theming! We spent a couple of hours at the water park and went on all the slides (except Summit Plummet cause I'm not cray). As we headed out of the water park we decided to go to Winter Summerland and play crazy golf which was so much fun but it was so hot! So after a game of golf we were pretty excited to get on the air con bus and back to the resort!
We decided to chill in the room for a while as we were both exhausted and then ended up ordering room service pizza! We then went to Animal Kingdom and went on Safari before watching Rivers of Light (which was amazing)! I love the parks at night, there's a different feel and they're somehow more magical than the day!
Day 5
We'd planned to go Universal this day but decided against it because the weather was supposed to be terrible and to be honest we were totally exhausted. We ended up having a good look around Disney Springs where we ate at D-Luxe Burger and of course had burgers, chips, and milkshake. It was so good I'd 100% recommend!
We were then going to relax by the pool but as soon as we walked in they were closing because of thunder and lightning, typical ay! So we headed to the bar for some cocktails (complete with colour changing glow cubes) and ended up playing a game of chess like the cool people we are.
Our final stop of the day was Sanaa for dinner. Animal Kingdom Lodge is my DREAM resort, how amazing would it be to wake up and go sit on the balcony watching giraffes and zebras? When we arrived it was still light and we had a seat near the window so we saw some zebras and other animals outside!! The food was incredible; we shared the bread to start and then I had the butter chicken. It was all so yummy!
Day 6
Our first full day at Animal Kingdom, can you believe we waited until day 6? We first headed to Dinosaur which ended up being one of my favourite rides and then continues into Dino-Rama which I just love because it's so fun and colourful! We then went to the Bug's Life 4D experience in the Tree of Life because we had some time to kill before our next fastpass.
We then got our caricature done and whilst waiting for it we got a starbucks and had a wonder round. I just love AK so much; it's such a peaceful park to walk around amongst the trees and animals! We LOVED our caricature and I'd definitely recommend it to anyone - you can even personalise them so we asked for ours to be wearing Mickey/Minnie outfits and have a sausage dog somewhere! It was probably the best souvenir we bought!
After relaxing at the resort for a while we then headed to EPCOT which was the first time we'd been the whole trip! We ate in the Mexico pavilion (which wasn't amazing) then wandered around world clockwise ofc. We got a cupcake from Wothers Original in Germany a Snow White bauble for the Christmas tree! As we get to Japan we watch the fireworks then walked around the rest of the park and headed back to the resort.
Day 7
We set off to Typhoon Lagoon fairly early and had soon been on all the slides and the wave pool! We found the water parks were really quiet so we didn't have to wait long for anything which was great. We then ate lunch - where I bought a crush cup with a raspberry slush puppy in - and then we found DIPPIN DOTS!! We were both so excited to eat them again as you can't get them over here and honestly a part of me thought I'd imagined them when I'd had them as a kid!
We then decided to head to Universal Studios since we cancelled a few days earlier. We went on the Simpsons ride and at ice cream from Florean Fortescue in Diagon Alley (I had butterbeer flavour yaas). I massively regretted this though because after a couple more rides we headed to The Hard Rock Cafe but I wasn't hungry because of all the ice cream so didn't really enjoy it in the end. Although gotta get my souvenir cocktail glass!
If you made it to the end... well done! I'll post days 8 - 14 over the next week or so. I thought this would help me get over the Disney blues but honestly it's making them so much worse!
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